Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heya! ^_^

Hey! This is my first blog post.. I really hope that u enjoy my post in the future.. Well, I'm not that good in English, but i will try my best.. ;)
Okay.. Lemme talk about myself.. To be honest, I'm Malaysian.. U guys can call me asuka.. I just like that name.. hahaha! dunno why.. Maybe its cute.? ok.. w.e. I inlove with Japanese and Korean.. But mostly to Japanese.. and oh ya! i almost forgot about Japan.. I really hope they recovery it soon.. i feel sad when i heard about them.. :( ok.. back to topic.. xD
RIGHT NOW, i really inlove with Hey! Say! JUMP under Johnny's and Associated.. They so かわいい!
lol.. I just learn Japanese.. im not that expert.. but i will try my best to make it better.. ;)
that's for today! bye bye! さよなら!